Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 22 - Checking Things Off the Bucket List

"Random gorilla statue in Tours.
It's right next to the kebab place."

Love you so much but words cannot express how much I do not want to write this email right now. There's just too much stuff. I realized the other day how much you guys actually don't know, because I am the only one who is telling you anything and I don't say everything (obviously) -- not in a bad way -- just know, lots of good stories yet to come. 

Got something checked off my mission bucket list! Old French lady called the cops on us while we were going door to door. One of the sketchiest things ever, we were waiting at the bus stop to head home when this car with four big dudes stops right in front of us and they all climb out. SO scary, but they were like "we're the police were you the ones going door to door?" and I just let Sr Anderson handle it. It was fine, they took our names and address (second time police had done that in a week!) and told us that a lot of theft has been happening in the neighborhood so that's probably why they got called. SO annoying though. And they made us miss the last bus so we had to walk home. But bucket list (!) though we also will not be going back to that quartier [neighborhood] any time soon. 

Another bucket list item- first real bible bash! We tracted into these two super cool super believing Jamaicans who are here for studies and prayed with them and then set a time to go back. We got a little into the Restoration and gave them brochures but then we had to leave (which was good because it was starting to get a little intense) and they were like "okay, come back tomorrow night, we'll read this" so yeah we were freaking out. But it was good, and thankfully it was in English so we could really express ourselves. It's so interesting how different people's interpretations of the same things can be, and it's so sad how closed off they can be sometimes too. But for a first time with super super super believing people (who know the Bible about 1000X better than I do) it went really well. They listened, we listened, and they accepted the Book of Mormon and we left them with the Spirit. So it went better than we could have planned. But again, not planning on going back anytime soon. 

"With Celine - sorry for the blurry picture"
Friday night we took Celine Djemai (the young woman from our branch) out to do some work with us, passed by someone who was home! and then did some porte-a-porte and then took her to the RDV with the Jamaicans (she speaks English too). It was SO fun. Well, WE thought it was fun. I loved just feeling so excited about missionary work. It's weird and it's awkward and we walk a ton and we freeze but having the experience of getting to show someone else what we do was SO fun and reminded me how cool and crazy of an adventure this is. 

We also got to see "E" again this week, watched the Retab [Restoration] film and talked about getting answers to prayer. She's so so cool. She accepted a baptismal date too! Febuary 14th! We told her we'd been praying about it and thought that was the date and she was like, well I don't work, so that must be a sign from God. She is amazing. But there's still so much to teach her so please please please keep her in your prayers. 

Yesterday was Branch conference so like everybody EVERYBODY from all the stake presidencies and their families were in Tours yesterday. I don't think I could serve in a ward. It's too big. Too crazy. It was really good though! 

Last night we had a really cool experience porting too, we got let in and prayed with this guy and his cousin and after we finished the prayer his cousin had tears in her eyes, she said that what we'd prayed for was exactly what they'd been talking about just before we rang their sonnerie. It was such a wonderful moment. Reminded me that we may never know how something we do could help someone. It's still hard to go on faith, but God gives us enough to keep us going, as long as we're always looking for it. 

Love you so so much fam thanks for everything!!!! 

Soeur Hansen 

City Hall in Tours after the tragedies in Paris
"I prefer to die standing than to live on my knees"

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