Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 63 - Pray for France

Hello family, first off I love all of you a whole lot and I hope you know it.

Just to start off, I want you to know that we're all safe, the mission is taking good care of us, we're being very careful and praying our hearts out for the people of France.

Just to briefly recap the week - for starters thank you so much for praying for us to find new people! We saw MIRACLES, people popping out all over the place. It's amazing and it's thanks to you! Good job!

This week our zone was focusing on member relationships, so we had the challenge of passing by lots of members this week, with rdvs or just randomly when we were in the area, it was really fun! We've got lots of cool members up here and it's great to be able to take the time to get to know them. We also focused a lot on less actives and were able to see a bunch that we usually see only once in a while and check in on their lives.

Friday we had zone conference and it was really good! Lots of new ideas and inspiration. And we had our interviews with President and Soeur Babin and that's always the BEST. I love those humans so much.

One really incredible thing we're starting as a mission is a 40 day fast to find. The goal is to find a new ami each day from Saturday (14 November) until Christmas Eve, as our gift to the Savior. As a part of it we're praying on the hour to invite the spirit to guide us and looking for ways to become more consecrated and obedient. At the beginning when they announced it, I was pretty skeptical because this isn't the first time we've gotten goals like this that seem impossible. Just to put it in context the standard of excellence for new amis is 3 a week. Which I think I've gotten a total of like 4 times on my mission. So this goal more than doubles the standard which is already a lofty goal. BUT, Soeur Nelson and I have been praying for faith and as we talked about it more during and after zone conference I have felt the strongest confirmation that this is inspired. We're going to see miracles and it's going to do wonders for the mission.

Another thing I loved that President mentioned in my interview was that if we miss a day, and don't find an ami, it doesn't mean we failed. It reminded me of what Dad sent me a letter about a couple months ago - our offering needs to be acceptable, not perfect. Christ is not going to reject our offering if it's only 39 amis or even if it's only 1. Each is a precious soul. So we really can't mess this up.

Saturday morning we heard the news about the attacks on Paris, and like I said we've been praying for France, for the people suffering now because of hate and violence. But I am so grateful for the knowledge of the gospel, for the Prince of Peace and for the chance I have to be here to share these things in this amazing part of the world.

I love all of you! Pray for France.

Soeur Hansen

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