That means that on Wednesday we get to head into Paris again- I am so spoiled. It was a really good week which can pretty much just be summarized into Thursdy.
We were going to have our branch Soirée Noel [Christmas party] on Friday so we went around to our amis (especially the ones that have kind of stalled out and stopped progressing or we had lost contact with) to bring them invites and pray with them and ALL OF THEM WERE HOME WHEN WE PASSED BY it was probably the most productive day of my entire mission. We went to just invite them and let them know we were thinking of them and it was so beautiful to see them light up knowing that they were just loved.
She has a real desire to change her life and be happier but I know she's got a lot ahead of her so we're praying like crazy for her.
Other than that this week has been a lot of Christmas door-to-door offering to sing Christmas Carols to old people that don't really want to be bothered. It's really fun to get to see so many French people though since we've been going through neighborhoods instead of bâtiments. I've decided they're honestly the most awkward group of people on the face of the earth. In like the most endearing way possible but seriously, they don't have any idea how to handle it when someone knocks on their door (or most of the time rings their doorbell from outside the gate like 15 feet from their door) they either say something like "c'est pourqoui?!" [what's it for?] or "c'est qui?" [who is it?] or just awkwardly laugh and close the door without really responding when we offer to sing/pray with them. At least we don't get yelled at! So yeah the French are the best.
Other highlights from this week- MANGEZ-VOUS! [Dinner appointments] Basically the best thing of my life. They really encourage the members to have us over during Christmas time so I'm probably going to gain like 1000 pounds. Worth it. We had crepes last sunday, fondue with the Djemai's and raclette on Saturday.
The Djemais, from the Tours branch |
The Djemai's are amazing and I love them so much. We're going to their house for Christmas and I am SO excited. They gave us Ferrero Rocher [chocolate] and told us we were amazing missionaries and basically just made us feel like the most successful soeurs on the face of the planet.
Keepin' it real here in Tours- let me know if you guys want to hear about anything that I've been leaving out.
Love you so much! Thanks for everything!
Soeur Hansen
"Our district - with each of our number of transfers." |
After we taught Stephanie |
"We decorated that christmas tree thank you very much" |
Daughter, Mother, Grandmother (Sister Bradley) |
Tours branch |
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