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Place Sainte-Anne |
Hey everybody!
This week we did lots of missionary work.
Monday- taught soiree familiale with a couple of recent converts and this really sweet couple in charge of the young adults. They gave us carrot cake and I tried Caro. It's NASTY. It's what members here drink instead of coffee because it doesn't have caffeine and comes from some kind of plant. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever had. You could not pay me to ever drink Caro again.
We had exchanges in Nantes on Wednesday, I was with Sr McOmber who served in Rennes for a little while so it was fun to ask her questions about that. She's great. She's new to Nantes so we just went for like a two hour walk and contacted, it was a beautiful day. That night we taught an awesome lady named Egle, from Lithuania, her name apparently means Christmas tree or something like that. It was in English which always makes me nervous and she's worked as a journalist so she was just full of really good questions which is great but also very stressful. We taught the Retab [Restoration] and got to testify a ton and she was so so touched. Probably one of the most powerful rendez-vous I have ever gotten to be in. It was a beautiful experience. (that's me channeling Sr Hopkins... which would be funny if you guys knew Sr Hopkins)
Friday we got to go out and contact with the Laurels in the ward! Only two could come which was perfect because that meant Sr Back and I didn't have to get split up because I would have just gotten lost with a poor jeune fille [young woman]. It was super fun!
Saturday we went to Fougères and had a mangez-vous [dinner appointment] with some members. They were sweet. Gave us nutella because we're sister missionaries in France and they love us.
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Fougères |
Yesterday we had church. Comme d'habitude [as usual]. Then we did some planning because we had no other time to do it- but we did have the chance to go out and do some work before because other wise we just die in the apartment.
Today it is raining like crazy, and the heat and hot water in our apartment is out. Rennes is great, it's just really really wet. Really wet. It's super pretty. Place Sainte-Anne is super confusing but it's really cool.
The apartment is really nice and has those sweet shutters that shut out all the light at night. And I love these soeurs so so much. We watched Legacy together the other day so basically bonded for life.
It's been a great week!
Love you guys lots!
Soeur Hansen
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