Such a good week. Miracles on miracles. Not going to tell you about all of them because they're kind of lame if you're not a missionary. So yeah...
BUT honestly one of the best weeks of my mission -- so great. I mean every week is the best week of my mission but this was a good one.
This week we got to teach! Rendez-vous! Not just contacts on the street! It was the best! It was a very bilingual week too, or like trilingual. Like none of our amies are French haha.
Monday we taught this lady who speaks Portuguese, with a Portuguese member! It's great to be able to teach someone that can hopefully actually understand you- sometimes I question when we're teaching if our French is good enough, if they're getting it etc. but getting to have someone there that could really communicate natively with her was awesome!
Tuesday we taught Ella again! Our Romanian amie and we got the gospel library on her phone in Romanian! So she has the BoM in her native language. Thanks church you rule! It was really cool to teach her because we could tell she was actually listening and getting it. You don't realize how much of a difference that makes until it actually happens. It's great to teach people who want to hear what you're teaching. It's what we live for. Now she just needs to know for herself, please please please keep her in your prayers. She just needs the strength to pray and know for herself!
Wednesday we had PPP, and we had two amies come! One was an old amie that the previous soeurs taught, she had a baptismal date but ended up dropping them about two weeks before. But she texted us on Monday to ask if she could still come to church, "bin, oui! si vous voulez!" [well, yes! If you want!] MIRACLE. So we called and invited her to PPP and she came! The other one was a lady we'd contacted a couple days before, and were struggling to fix a RDV with, but they both came and had a great time. Sr Back and I taught the retab outside so she could smoke. It was great. Love being a missionary in France.
Saturday we were all sick. Well, all but Sr Ellis, so she was going slowly insane being inside all day. Sr Back and I rallied to go to a RDV in the afternoon so we were outside for like 3 hours. Until there was a manifestation in centreville so we went home for dinner instead of doing a pass by, and couldn't leave again :( but that's okay a good night's sleep heals all. Even when it's daylight savings. Probably hardest trial of my mission getting up an hour earlier on Sunday morning haha.
Sunday was great as always. Love Sundays.
And that brings us to today, which is a great day.
Love you guys so so much. Like more than you can possibly know.
Sr Hansen
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