FAMILY! hello! greetings! salutations!
This week - no idea where to start, so so much happened. Super long week but in a good way. There's no way to fit it all in so I'm just going to send two quick stories. But this has seriously been one of the best, funniest, crazy weeks of my mission.
Wednesday was transfer day, so we took our troisième [third companion] to the gare and put her on a train for Paris. Well, that was the plan at least. Since we were a trio Sr Walton and I didn't need to go into Paris, because she could travel with the elders that were going in. So, Rennes is a passthrough gare, which means that the train to Paris started somewhere like Brest or Quimper and then was going on to Paris, so we get to the car where Sr Stevens' seat is, and start trying to load her suitcases. But it wasn't the first gare so all the space is filled up so I took one of her suitcases and tried to find space in the middle of the car where there are some shelves and Sr Walton was working with Sr Stevens to find some space by the doors. So I'm in the middle of the car and then this TGV noise goes off and the DOORS CLOSED. So I look over at Sr Walton and we just stare at each other and I start mouthing "ARE WE STUCK ON THIS TRAIN" just complete shock sets in. So she starts frantically pushing buttons trying to get the door to open BUT THE DOOR IS CLOSED. so we're stuck on this train and then it starts moving.
Naturally, the calm, as the level headed capable missionaries we are, we start RUNNING down the aisles of the train cars trying to find Elder Bigler, the DL who's on the train taking Elder Kelley into Paris to get transfered. So as I'm talking to him on the phone and we're running down the aisles we see two other elders who were coming in from Brest and they were just like "oh hey sisters" to which we respond half screaming and with a lot of hand waving "WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON THIS TRAIN WE DON'T HAVE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and continued running. Ended up finding Elder Bigler, who was trying to figure out how we could pool our money to buy us some tickets (oh another fun fact, my MSF card got hacked last week so I don't have any MSF for a little while) but the elders in Brest have a mission credit card (for buying gas because they have a car) and we ended up using that. So yeah. Sr Walton and I went to Paris on Wednesday. We were just laughing so hard about it the whole day and pretty much everday since.
So yeah. Good start to the transfer. Last one Sr Stevens and I were locked out for 6 hours, this one we accidentaly took a train to Paris.
The rest of the week was really good! I am LOVING being back in a companionship and being with Sr Walton. We are having so much fun just being absolute goofs. Working SO hard and being exhausted all day and then getting into the apartment and going nuts. I was not super excited about staying in Rennes for another transfer but I feel like this is going to be one of my favorite transfers yet.
Today we went to St Malo, I'd been before but went back with Sr Walton, it's really cool. Spent the day climbing on rocks and getting some fresh air. We ended up just spending a lot of our time sitting on some rocks and being still. So nice. We were just like "I feel so zen right now, so at peace and one with my soul" haha it was great. Sending lots of pictures for you guys.
you're all great!
sr hansen
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