With Sr Hopkins |
No climbing tree stories this week, sorry to report but we did do lots of other good stuff!
LIKE- zone conference, so fun to see everybody, Mama Hopkins [her trainer] is in my zone now! She's so old haha. We got to practice teach her and she was (in true mama hops fashion) almost in tears about how much my French has improved. So cute.
And we got our iPad! (singular) haha we got a call on Monday night from the STLs that the iPads got stolen from the mission office on Sunday night. Kind of a bummer, we've been waiting FOREVER for these dang things but it's just kind of gotten to the point that it's a joke. I feel really bad for President and Soeur Babin, they just looked so tired and stressed at zone conference. I know it's just been so frustrating for them to keep telling us that we're getting them (we had a mission conference about it!) and then to just not have it happen for so long. They redistributed so every equipe has at least one iPad, it's registered to the person who's been in the ville less time so it's technically Sr Walton's, they've started the ordering process again but last time it took like 4 months so I'm not holding my breath haha.
But anyway, the rest of the week we've been busy downloading mormon messages and liahonas whenever we're at the church.
Other than that we had a pretty good week, still hurting for some new people to teach but it's been good to get out and do some finding!
"C" and her brother "I" are awesome, they're both reading and so engaged in our lessons. It's so fun to teach them, it gets pretty intense sometimes but they're just great. It's still cracking us up that we have a guy ami. It just doesn't happen in this mission haha.
I'm trying to think of some miracles or some funny stories for you guys!
I love you guys! don't have too many pictures for you this week but i'll get them sent along! You're great and thanks for all the love and support!
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