Hey fam!
So I was sitting here like "wow I've had so much time today I hope I'm not fogetting to respond to somebody" and then I realized I hadn't written my big email yet! whoops!
This week was really good- lots of work and lots of fun stuff. I'll get you the lightning version (there were like 3 thunder storms this week! It was so fun to watch them from our balcony!)
Monday- took a really nice nap. Did some missionary work
Tuesday- district meeting, Elder Stanford was super inspired for what he did for the formation [training at district meeting] which was really cool. 20 year olds can be super inspired for their amis and also for other missionaries, it's sweet.
Wednesday- Taught some things to some cool people. Then that afternoon Soeur Facer and I got on a train to Paris!! We had to go in to do some French legality stuff at the same time so we did a little exchange and ditched our comps in Belgium. Stayed with Sr Ellis who's serving in St Ouen now! So fun. Went to the Arc de Triomphe. :)
Thursday- went to do our legality stuff, so many things went wrong! The metro pass machine ate 10 euros so we had to go deal with that and then none of the tabacs (it's like a convenience store but only for like tobacco, lottery cards and magazines) had these stamp things that Sr Facer needed for her second year legality stuff. SO frustrating. Then we missed a train and had to wait super long but it's okay because in our wandering we found CHIPOTLE!!!!! There are like two in Paris and one happened to be at the gare where we were!! We were there at like 9 in the morning but I was like "WE ARE COMING BACK HERE"
Friday- we did some service, lots of fun.
Saturday - Went to a wedding! The elders are teaching this couple (they've been investigating for about a year) and they just got married! They were so cute. But the religious ceremony (it's complicated here) was outside and it POURED. POURED. I felt so bad for them. The elders were running around trying to get water that was collecting out of the tops of the little tent things that were set up but as soon as they'd finished one side the other was full again. It was so sad but they were really good about it.
Sunday- since like the whole branch was involved in the wedding most of them weren't there the next morning haha so there was a good 30 of us there maybe. Finished off the week with some weekly planning.
Sorry this is such a lame email but it was a great week! We fixed a baptismal date with our ami "L". She lives with her boyfriend and we're not sure exactly how chastity is going to go over with them but she's really sweet and we love her and she loves us so if you guys could keep her in your prayers that would be just dandy.
You're wonderful!! love you so so much!
Soeur Hansen
"We had gauffres today" |
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