Hello fam!
Gonna be honest, not a ton to report for you guys this week, Soeur Nelson was sicky this week so we had to take some time for her to rest up but it was a good week overall!
Monday we had soirée familiale with the single adults, always a party.
Tuesday we went out to a city called Seraing, there are a whole bunch of members out there but very few are active because there used to be a branch there but it closed and they got moved to Liège, so a whole bunch stopped coming :( So we did some searching! And we found one! It was sweet! She wasn't really interested in coming to church at all but we met her so that was cool!
And the rest of the week was pretty boring, we watched 3 movies Friday because we had to stay inside pretty much the whole day... I don't remember the last time I watched a movie that didn't have Joseph Smith, pioneers or an apostle involved. I love church media.
Saturday night the JA [young adults] organized a Halloween fête at the church! It was actually super fun even though it was totally last minute haha. They got really into their costumes, lots of fake blood involved, I was really impressed.
And yesterday was church. Yeah.
Sorry this is so lame, but just know that I love you and I'm grateful for all you do! You guys rule!
Soeur Hansen
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