Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 68 - Four cities, six trains

Hello family et Joyeux Noel!

It's once again Pday and I once again have absolutely no idea what to write you guys about... But I'm going to start anyway and just kind of see what ends up happening.

It was a really good week, we were in four different cities (Valenciennes, Lille, Paris and Cambrai) and took six trains so that's always fun!

First stop on the Valenciennes Soeurs world tour was Lille for district meeting. We actually missed our train and had to wait an hour for the next one, which I was super annoyed about to be honest, but we tried to find the humor and laughed about the fact that we were walking around (trying to find an ATM) carrying a tartiflette that we made for the district meeting meal. And I read a talk by Pres Eyring about adversity and realized that even though we'd missed the train and half of district meeting, we "were not yet as Job". Thanks Pres Eyring.

Wednesday was one of those super fun all day finding days! And that's all I'm going to say about Wednesday. Except that I was wearing these ankle-high rain boots that I found in the closet. Worst mistake of my life. My feet killed me for the next three days. But my toes were dry for the first time in a while:) Those monsters went back in the closet.

Thursday. See Wednesday, minus the rain boots. Plus stop number two on our world tour! We spent the night in Paris to do Soeur Sabando's visa work for her second year in France.

Friday we got to the prefecture and ended up running into a bunch of missionaries, including Soeur Ellis and the Redds! So that was fun! The Lille soeurs were there too and we went over to Consecration Hill together and then went to this crepe/panini place by Notre Dame that the missionaries are obsessed with. It was super fun. Then I took Soeur Sabando to the Arc de Triomphe since she'd never been!

That night when we got back we went to this activity with the ward (mostly for the young men and young women) which was singing in centre ville at the Christmas marché! There weren't a ton of people at the marché despite the fact that it was a Friday night but it was good. We weren't given permission to give cards/brochures or anything so the branch mission leader decided that the best way to do missionary work despite that obstacle was to put the missionaries and "vos jolies plaques" in the very front.... As you can imagine that was a thrilling prospect for me.

Saturday was the final stop on the world tour, we went to Cambrai which is a ville in our sector that is about the same size as (If not bigger than) Valenciennes. But there aren't very many members down there so they're a part of the Valenciennes ward. Our rdvs were both canceled at the last minute so we had no real reason to go but we decided to go and try and see some less actives that we found on the repertoire because Christmas is an easy way to make contact. We found one and we had a good little lesson with her about the real meaning of Christmas and tried to get to know her. It was cool!

That night we had the ward Christmas party which started off with more caroling in centre ville. A lot more people were out so that was cool! There was one lady that stayed pretty much the whole 20 minutes we were singing and then thanked us for helping people remember Jesus! That was super sweet. The party was chaos as Christmas parties, and most ward activities, usually are. But it's a fun chaos.

Sunday we rounded out with some more finding! Yay! Voici ma semaine. [That was my week]Sorry this is such a freakishly long email. I love you all and I'm so excited to talk to you on Christmas!

Soeur Hansen 

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