Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 18 - Christmas Conference with President Teixeira

FAM! Joyeux Noel!
This week was great! Soeur Anderson is still absolutely awesome! And I get to see you guys in 4 days! This week has been really long, not going to lie, lots of time spent walking little French neighborhoods offering to sing Christmas songs for old people. Not as successful as it might sound. The French continue to be probably the most entertaining group of people I've ever had the pleasure to be around.

We had exchanges this week and went caroling with the elders and our DMB [branch mission leader] again in ville! Much better this time having 7 voices instead of 5. The STLs [Sister Training Leaders] were super good sports about it- they got off the train and we just got started! We sang in the gare [train station] and in a mall (until we got kicked out...) and then we went to a cathedral and got permission from a nun to sing in there. That's Frère Kehli for ya. Pretty much one of the coolest experiences of my life. Soeur Barton got a picture that she hopefully will be sending me today so you can post it! 

Wednesday saw "M" - one of our less actives, we're basically her visiting teachers. Her daughters are SO cute, I'll try to get a picture soon. 

Maren is by the mission president who is standing in the doorway
Thursday we had our Christmas Conference with President Teixeira! It was SOO good and super motivating and just powerful. I got to see Sr Hopkins, which was super weird, it's only been a week but it felt like SO long since we were companions. I also go to see a bunch of people from my MTC group and they served us a really nice meal. SO FUN! Made getting up at 4:30 to catch our train totally worth it!

Friday we had some great planning coming off of the conference and this little old lady called us beautiful. So, day made.

Saturday we got to go share our Christmas message with a member in our ward, Marie-Agnes the RS president who's also been EVERY other possible calling multiple times. Super fun.

Sunday we had chuch and "A" came! and she brought a friend with her! This lady is so great. She's always fun to teach, but it's a little crazy usually. After church we had lunch with some members at the church because they live really far away. I HAD DUCK! It was really good but also when I think about the fact that I ate duck I get a little sick to my stomach. And we had tiramisu as well and it was AMAZING. Basically the French are just wonderful in general.

We did some porting and found an awesome new ami- [friend] doesn't talk much but super friendly! 

 "Soeur Anderson's cat posse"
"Our new ami! lolz i'm so funny"

Love you guys so so much! 

Joyeux Noel encore!

Soeur Hansen

"my first gaufre [waffle] and I look like the virgin mary but whatever it was raining."
"Têtes de choco" [chocolate heads]

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