Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 59 - Better than ever and the best is yet to come

New companion, Soeur Nelson
Hello family!

I love you all. I'm just going to start off with that! You're
beautiful people. I'm so glad I'm related to you.

This week was really good - full of adventures as usual!

It was Soeur Archbold's last couple days here so we spent Monday and Tuesday running around saying goodbye to people. Monday night this super awesome family had us over for dinner. In our mission we're allowed to stay an hour an a half for mangez-vous. So we get to their house at 7, planning to leave at 8:30, perfect amount of time to get
home... We started eating at 8:20... Haha we got there and the mom was still cooking, one of the daughters wasn't there yet yada yada and we ended up hanging out with Rachel, their other daughter who's a JA [young adult] and is awesome. I love her. So like it was fun. And we got home before 9:30!!

Tuesday we said goodbye some more.

Wednesday we got up WAY too early to get to the gare and catch a train to Brussels. Soeur Sabando and Soeur Archbold were transferred and Soeur Facer had to go pick up her bleue, so they all went to Paris and I got babysat by some elders in Brussels. Since I was there we couldn't really do much (we couldn't like go contacting in a group of 5) so we were tourists! We went to the Atomium and the Neuhaus chocolate factory where you can get free samples. 

My babysitters in Brussels
Unfortunately I was kind of sick. I ended up calling the mission nurse because and she told me I needed to see a doctor and get a prescription tout suite. So that was fun. Haha I was like "'ve got to go to the hospital..." Haha we called the senior couple in Brussels and they got me over to urgent care which took FOREVER they seriously just dumped me in a back room to wait for the doctor for like and hour and a half. The Norbys finally came back to check on me because they were worried - I took a nap because I was feeling super nauseated from my migraine. It was bad.

But funny memory now! We went to their apartment and ate, I took a nap and they left to go get Soeur Nelson at the gare while I was asleep. We decided that we should just stay the night in Brussels because I really didn't feel up to taking the train. So we had a sleepover!

It was pretty funny when we called the Norbys though, the elders were like "we need to take Soeur Hansen to the hospital.... We didn't do anything! She was already sick!" Worst babysitters ever.

The Norbys are wonderful. They've been out about a month and they're so ready to work. He was the mission president in Côte d'Ivoire a few years ago and they're just wonderful people. Took such good care of us. And Soeur Norby gave us her extra European blow dryer! Score! All the ones we had were American and have blown up.

Everyone: serve a senior couple mission. You get to hang out with missionaries and save the day.

Thursday we came back to Liège. Not nearly as exciting. Helped set up for the Porte Ouverte.

Friday. Nothing special.

Elder Kaonohi from Hawaii - the Porte Ouverte
Saturday! Porte Ouverte! [Open House] Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the chapel in Liège. It was really cool. The Redds were in charge of it and they did a great job. There were hundreds of pictures and little videos of activities and people, the construction, missionaries, and all kinds of stuff about the chapel over the last 50 years! Super cool. And there were tons of people which I know Elder Redd was worried about, but lots and lots of less actives came and a bunch came to church the next day too! So great. We even had some people from the neighborhood come that we'd invited - the four equipes did porting with invitations and people came!! It was so cool! Way to go Redds.

Sunday. Church. Weekly planning. Our plans changed like a thousand times so it was a little stressful but it all turned out good. Forgot to send in our stats so the DL had to text us- Soeur Facer teased us about that one "you guys are in your 10th and 11th transfers!!" Haha whoops.

Yep so that was the week! Lots of fun, I love Soeur Nelson. One of our transfer goals is to fête chaque jour. [Party every day]

Better than ever and the best is yet to come.

Soeur Hansen ✌

Our new team of Liège sisters
At the Atomium in Brussels

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