Hullo family!
Transfers this week. Kind of crazy, Soeur Sabando is going to Rennes! So that's all four of the same villes for us. (Both started in Tours, then she went to Liège and I went to Rennes, then I came to Liège and she went to Valenciennes, I came to Valenciennes and now she's going to Rennes!) (that was probably more detail than you cared about) We've been joking for weeks that she's going there haha. What are the chances? And Soeur Gilbert is coming to me from Rennes! So that's super crazy too. But she's Soeur Walton's bleue and she's super cute so I'm looking forward to getting killed by her!
ALSO the elders' equipe got closed so Soeur Gilbert and I are the only missionaries that are going to be in Valenciennes. The ward was super bummed.
This week though- we had our last district meeting so I got pictures for ya. Then we stayed in Lille and did mini exchanges with the STLs. I was with Soeur Proudfoot and we went to the COOLEST mangez-vous ever. The STLs ported into this family a couple weeks ago doing Christmas porting and they invited them to come over for dinner! They weren't interested and didn't want to hear a message but they'd looked up some stuff on so we were able to talk about the Word of Wisdom and why we do what we do and live how we live. Mostly we talked about France and America and they showed us like a hundred pictures from their vacations haha. They were great and it was so much fun.
Dad, when we were in Lille I asked the Lille elders about Henri-Paul Doit. He's the bishop of the Lille Ward!! [Bishop Doit was my missionary companion in the France Toulouse Mission in 1979]
Thursday we did some fun stuff and then came in at dinner (we don't work the night of the 31st since everyone's fête-ing) and did some area book work. Partayyy.
Friday we were supposed to work... So Soeur Sabando and I went out contacting. There were like four drunk people out. It was super efficace. But we were obedient! And then we found ways to be productive from inside. Like deep cleaning the apartment and planning. Partayyy #2
Saturday was the transfer news, we did some member pass-bys and then went home again because both of us were feeling sick.
Sunday was a super depressing church because the elders are leaving. But we met this super rad less active that the elders teach every week so I'm stoked to start teaching him! We'll just have to get some good member help so that we can actually go!
Okay well that's the week. Were in full cleaning/packing mode to get Soeur Sabando ready to go. Kind of crazy to be doing three one-and-dones in a row with comps!
Love you guys!! Pray for Valenciennes!!
Soeur Hansen
Eating foie gras (at our dinner appointment with the cool family we mentioned that Soeur Sabando didn't get to try it so they pulled some out for us. I liked it better than last year but still don't think it's worth what they put those animals through!)
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