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Sr Sabando made me a breakfast waffle! |
Well. Not much to report this week. Other than like I'm a year older and got a new companion. Yay birthdays! Thank you to everyone who wrote me! Shout out to the fam, got 6/6 on emails, you guys rule.
Birthday birthday birthday. It was really cool, since it was the day before transfers we were running around for Soeur Sabando to say goodbye to people, it was probably the busiest day I've had in Valenciennes, so that was a great birthday present! That night we had soirée familiale for the first time since I've been here which was really good...except for the random polygamy tangent that a couple members went off on.
Wednesday was transfers...longest day ever haha. Got up early, got our train, Soeur Sabando ditched me in the gare, I waited with some other missionaries for my new comp, we got on the train to go back and then had like 6 hours of proselyting time. With no bus pass because you need a proof of residency and I didn't want to go through the hassle of having her buy a bunch of day passes when we could just walk everywhere. Which we did. We walked and walked and walked. Like pioneer children. It was a party.
Thursday we went and did some member and less active visits with a member couple, they picked us up and drove us around and it was awesome! They were so cool because they just like took responsibility to fix the rdvs and take care of everything, we just brought the message. So instead of walking everywhere we drove everywhere for a day!
Friday we got Soeur Gilbert's bus pass! (She still didn't use it until Saturday night) did planning, had dmp and ward council and it was just a fête. One of our goals is to gain the members' trust by being really obedient and on top of life since they're kind of still bummed about not having Elders in the vile anymore. But it's okay because the Soeurs are here!!
Saturday we raided the old elders apartment (we had to take the trash out for them since they lived in centre ville it could only be taken out certain days) they had a raclette machine! And enough flour and sugar and rice and non-perishables that were basically not going to
buy anything besides cereal and fruit for groceries so that was a good day.
Sunday was good too. We had some really good lessons and a less active family we've been trying to work with (they're super busy) came to church! After church was a ward meal and devotional which was done by the Soeur missionaries! It was supposed to be the elders doing part about porting and contacting and us doing a part about teaching in lessons. But then the elders equipe got closed and Soeur Sabando got transferred so it was basically just me trying to summarize both lessons and Soeur Gilbert testifying about everything. It went okay, I think only like two of them fell asleep so that's déjà bien.
So yeah. That's pretty much the week. Sorry my emails have been so lame lately, we need to go on more adventures!
But I love you all and I hope you have a great week!
Soeur Hansen
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