Fougères |
Hey fam!
Great week this week, can't really remember what happened so this will be interesting. Basically I just can't believe the transfer is almost over! I feel like I just got here. Wow never thought I'd be saying that. Feeling like a typical missionary. UGH.
Wednesday was rough, we had a bunch of good stuff lined up and it all fell through but we were teaching the spiritual thought at PPP (ping pong, pancakes and pensé spirituelle, it's the activity the young adults have every Wednesday) [pensé spirituelle = spiritual thought] so we were going (we don't usually go unless we have an amie) and a girl that Sr Stevens and I met last week on a mini exchange CAME! She's from Australia but was living here for a bit and she's super cool. Sr Stevens and I ran into her again on another mini exchange the other day when it was beautiful and she told us she was going to go buy some hummus and sit by the river for the rest of the afternoon. She's legit. And could probably be from Portland.
Thursday Sr Ellis was sick so I stayed in with her and Sr Back went with Sr Stevens to their RDVs in the afternoon. We watched Legacy, Emma Smith movie and Together Forever while we made a planner for Sr Back. It was a party. And Sr Back has a super sweet planner now.
Friday we did some stuff that I don't really remember except that we ran around a lot. It was great.
Cool miracle- like two weeks ago we were contacting close to our house and talked to this Muslim couple. They prayed with us which was cool. Then the other day we ran into the woman and she said they were really touched and had wanted to invite us over that night but their house was dirty haha but she invited us to come and have some sweet Tunisian food. She was awesome, they were all concerned apparently because they thought we were bonne sours [nuns] and couldn't get married haha. We taught the Plan du Salut and learned a lot about Islam. Missions rule.
Saturday we went to a little city outside of Rennes to have couscous with this other super nice Muslim lady we met a while ago. It was super fun, and we had some legit couscous! Got a picture don't even worry.
Couscous |
Sunday had a mangez-vous with a super cool couple who are ward missionaries, and then planned. And then had like an hour at the end of the night and we needed two lessons to reach our goal and we got it! There was like no one out so it was a legit miracle. It's really cool too when you get to pray with people that are a little hesitant about it and then can feel the spirit touch them. If anything they'll remember those two weird Americans who prayed with them on the street. That's my calling as a missionary.
Love you guys lots! Thanks for everything gonna blast you with pictures now.
soeur hansen
Sr Stevens |
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